Beta Directory

Beta Directory is a curated list of the latest digital products currently in alpha, beta, waiting list or invite only stage.

Beta Directory looks to find the latest tech products before they publically launch. As an early adopter of digital tech products, I couldn't find one online source to discover them. Instead I spent hours on Reddit, Hackernews, Twitter and Indiehackers on a weekly basis mining for super new products to try.

Sure, other platforms include newly launched products, however, there wasn't anywhere for the super early adopters like me to discover the latest digital products. Product Hunt is amazing, but it only features products that have launched for the most part. BetaList is ok, but again the vast majority have already launched.

After discovering new products I would share them on a Twitter thread and got some reasonable engagement. So I decided to quickly knock up a site using Softr and Airtable in a matter of hours.



Subscribers to the bi-weekly newsletter.


Amount of time it took to build the site using Softr and Airtable.


Submissions received to the directory.


Amount of money made on this project.


This was my first shot at creating a website with Softr and i had been dying to create a dark themed site for sometime.

Since the website was acquired in 2018 it has now since been redesigned in Webflow but still maintaining some of my original design styles and aesthetics. Fortunately the logo has also since been redesigned.

The Seafoamy green colour pallet  (#66ffcc) was an eyesore at first so I toned it down after a lot of feedback. I still love the colour and desperate to use it in my next project.

The basic grid layout for the homepage was inspired by Startup Stash - the original directory based site featured on Product Hunt. It was easy to navigate and was infinitely scalable as I added some categories.