
This section of my personal site is an up to date page detailing what i'm up to right now in short form bullet points.  

My site is never as current as I want it to be, so when I saw the “Now page” trend happening (started by Derek Sivers) and later adopted by Tobias Van schneider I decided to give it a shot.

​So here we go 🤘🏻
Preparing to be a parent for the first time.

Designing a landing page for my next side project launching 2024.

Experimenting with alternative newsletter formats. Reading

The Anthology of Balaji
Reviewing my 2023 goals.

Writing my 2024 goals.

Reached 8k subscribers for the Creator Club newsletter.

Freelance consulting for Codebase founders.

Finished remodelling our home office.
Dipping my toes into generative art using AI and developing a mashup of Wes Anderson scenes. Check them out here.

Creating an entire fictional website using only AI tools and nocode.

Growing Beta Directory newsletter and Twitter account

Holding weekly Creator Club virtual meetups

Learning Webflow interactions

Pondering creating vs consuming